Durante la settimana Erasmus, dedicata all’acoglienza dei partners, gli alunni e i docenti delle classi prime di scuola secondaria, mettono in scena una delle leggende più significative per la Sicilia: Colapesce.
Gennaio 2017
During the Erasmus +week at “Chindemi” school, students attending the first year of secondary low school with the help of their teacher of Italian language, acted one of the most famous and beautiful Sicilian legend; it is about a young boy, Colapesce and his great love for the sea.
They decided to perform this particular legend to let the partners know the special relationship between the Sicilian people and our island with the Mediterranean sea.
Students demostrated a great involvement in the different performance phases. Moreover, during the acting they were accompanied by the choir of pupils of the fifth grade of primary school and by a typical dance, tarantella, performed by a group of pupils from kindergarten and primary school.