Gli alunni delle classi prime di scuola secondaria partecipano ai laboratori di lettura e scrittura creativa presso la biblioteca comunale.
Italian students attending 1 st level of secondary low school partecipated into an activity with the local library inside our Erasmus project. The main purpose was to allow them to improve their interest in reading realizing the pleasure they can reach thanks to the world of fantasy, starting from the analysis of fairy tales. Students was coordinated by the teachers of Italian language and attended three workshops (every of them last about 3 hours) about different topics: fairy tales’ salad ( rewriting fairy tales by using their own ideas); reading Giufa’s tales (a funny character of our literature); modern princess (after reading a story about a princess of our time they had to write and draw the end of this story).
It was a very enjoyable experience and students hadn’t looked forward to going to the library again!